Mansonville Rifle Association Inc. Family Name: --- First Name: --- Date Of Birth: --- Address: --- City: --- Home Phone #: --- Work Phone #: --- Cell Phone: --- E-Mail address: --- Members are responsible to have a first aid kit, their own targets, stapler etc.. during a shooting activity Members are to have access to a telephone in case of an emergency, I.E. Cell Phone Members are required to have a Club Safety Official in order to shoot a firearm. No safety official = NO SHOOT. The Club can assist you in finding a Safety Official. Members are to ensure that you have Club Membership Card, Firearms License and registration (Quebec Residents Only) Disclaimers: (1) The Mansonville Rifle Association Inc. Title "Does Not assume Responsibility" PLEASE READ THESE TERMS OF USE CAREFULLY BEFORE CONTINUING NOTICE: If your are a Member of the Mansonville Rifle Association Inc. The following is souly your Responsibility . The Mansonville Rifle Association Inc. "Assumes NO Responsibility": For Damages or personal Injury or Loss of Person Information or Equipment THESE COURSES "Will Be Implemented" BY THE The Mansonville Rifle Association Inc. Which Are: Ammunition reloading and Sight/Scope Adjustment.And Range Safety Official "These Fall Under Will Be to Implementation" Course are not Included, in the price of the Membership Card. "Forthwidth known as Membership Card". PLEASE VERIFy THE EXPIRATION DATE ON YOUR " Membership Card". The information presented on this website was obtained from sources whom we deem reliable; however, the Mansonville Rifle Association Inc cannot guarantee information accuracy. In preparation of the courses provided, a diligent effort was made by the course authors to provide true, factual, and complete information. Accuracy and Use of Information: The materials provided are 'AS IS' without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied. Changes may periodically be incorporated into course material to make improvements, edits and/or additions to course content. Changes may include new technical information, new and/or improved training techniques, or the correction of technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Disclaimer of Liability: The material presented in this program meets the general training requirements set forth in the regulatory standards. We assume no liability, written or implied, as to the job specific Set Forth by the concerned parties.